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Token ID: b79bfc8246b5fc4707e7c7dedcb6619e f1ab91f494a790c20b0f4c422ed95b92


SOCK is the first token launched on Cauldron. A SOCK token represents a real pair of uniquely designed Cauldron socks. It was made as part of the alpha launch to test the DEX contract on Bitcoin Cash.

This limitied edition was consisted of at most 500 socks. Token sale started on Jul 1st 2023 and ended Oct 1st 2023. A total of 351 SOCK were sold and the remaining were burned.

SOCK that have not been redeemed are tradeable on Cauldron. ​

Real pair of socks

cauldron sock box

SOCK token represents a real-life sock and is redeemable for a pair of limited edition socks shipped anywhere in the world.

Token Enchantment

Enchanted Sock Token ID: d713c8128f83626755ccda504f7ddaea 9be375455f1d5b85c0a5f3ae257dcf26

The Cauldron enchantment table allows you to enchant a fungible SOCK token into a Non-Fungible Enchanted Sock

  • Cauldron Enchanted Rainbow Sock

  • Cauldron Enchanted Fire Sock

  • Cauldron Enchanted Dark Sock

  • Cauldron Enchanted Pearl Sock

  • Cauldron Enchanted Tungsten Sock

  • Cauldron Enchanted Water Sock

  • Cauldron Enchanted Wood Sock

  • Cauldron Enchanted Golden Sock